Nourish 108

Nourish 108 Ayurveda & Yoga - nourishing body, mind and spirit
Dhavantari, deity of Ayurveda

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian science of medicine and comes from the Sanskrit language roots are “Ayur”, Life and “Veda”, Knowledge/Science. As the sister science to Yoga, Ayurveda complements the movement, breathing, and meditation practices of Yoga with spiritual health and nutrition principles. Ayurveda focuses on prevention and discovering the root cause for health imbalances before they turn into disease by paying special attention to diet, lifestyle and season/environment.

Why Ayurveda?

The preventative nature of Ayurveda allows us to take back responsibility for our health. Too often, we take our health for granted and end up treating the symptoms only after our health imbalances have advanced, maybe even turned into disease. Ayurveda is a holistic, integrative medicine with a strong spiritual aspect that includes meditation, breathwork and yoga for movement practice. 

How does Ayurveda work?

Instead of diagnosing and treating the human body’s individual parts (e.g. organs, limbs), Ayurveda views our body, mind and spirit as a holistic system that is ruled by cause (nutrition, lifestyle, season/environment) and effect (imbalances/disease, healing/health). The alignment with nature’s elements (ether, air, fire, water, earth) and seasons, as well as the application of Doshas (constitution), gunas (qualities) and the six tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, astringent and pungent) form the basis for Ayurvedic assessments and treatments plans.

What does Nourish 108 offer?

  • One-on-one consultations (complete intake questionnaire below)
  • Ayuryoga privates
  • Classes and workshops
  • Cleanses and guided rituals

About Me

My journey into the world of yoga began amidst the bustling energy of New York City. In my pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and the quest to quit smoking, I stumbled upon yoga as a form of cross-training. Yoga quickly became a haven for calm, stress relief, and spiritual growth.

In 2022, I completed my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Mount Madonna Institute near Santa Cruz. Initially, my goal wasn’t to teach but to deepen my understanding of yoga history and philosophy. The training, centered around classical Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga, fulfilled my quest for knowledge and practice enhancement.

This transformative experience also introduced me to Ayurveda, the sister science to Yoga. My interest in Ayurveda deepened during a two-month stay at Banyan Farm in Oregon in the summer of 2023. Following this, I completed a 120-hour training as an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist.

Now, I’m thrilled to offer a holistic approach, blending Yoga and Ayurveda. In addition to personalized Ayurvedic lifestyle consultations, I tailor yoga, pranayama, and meditation to meet your specific needs.